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Goin' Digital

Analog Guy in a Digital Age One of the complexities of this project is that the donor car, a 1992 Miata, was built in the very early digital days. It had electronic fuel injection, electronic ignition, and an engine control computer (ECU), but very primitive versions of them. ECUs and the sensors that feed them information have become much more sophisticated since 1992.  I could have built my project car with all of the original electronics but I chose to wire the car from scratch and use a modern ECU because a) using modern sensors eliminates the need for about 12 cubic yards of air intake ducting in the engine bay, b) it seemed like wiring the car myself could actually be less of a hassle than reworking the original wiring harness to remove all the unnecessary stuff (there were a lot of electric features on the original Miata that aren't needed for an open top roadster).  Even more paleolithic than the donor car is the builder; a 1965 model. When I worked on cars as a teenager, t

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